Limits of the Works Council

Employer rights in works constitution law

Ihr Platz wird freigehalten...
Das erwartet Sie
  • Where the responsibility of the works council ends
  • Training claims and their limits
  • Which costs are to be borne by the employer - which are not
  • Social matters - matters not subject to co-determination vs. matters subject to co-determination
  • Dealing with participation offences in personnel measures
  • Economic matters
Im Überblick
Für wen eignet sich das Seminar?
Auf Anfrage
  • Labour law experts with practical experience as speakers
  • Specific answers to your questions in the seminar
  • With case studies from practice and case law
  • Bei Präsenzseminaren sind Seminargetränke, Mittagessen sowie Parkgebühren im Preis inbegriffen
Schreiner Praxis-Seminare hat 4,60 von 5 Sternen 2031 Bewertungen auf
Das erwartet Sie
  • Where the responsibility of the works council ends
  • Training claims and their limits
  • Which costs are to be borne by the employer - which are not
  • Social matters - matters not subject to co-determination vs. matters subject to co-determination
  • Dealing with participation offences in personnel measures
  • Economic matters
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Themen & Details
Where does the competence of your works council end?

I. Factual
1. Definition of company and enterprise
2. Operating units (branches)
3. Joint operation
4. Micro-enterprises
5. Trend companies
6. Options for structuring through collective agreements and works agreements

II. Personal
1 . Employees / freelancers
2. Executive employees
3. Temporary workers (eligibility to vote / thresholds / differentiation from contract for work)

III. Spatial

Training for works council members

I. What training is required?

II. time limit

III. What costs must the employer bear?

Trustful cooperation

I. Right to inspect wage and salary lists

II. Duty of confidentiality

III. Prohibition of industrial action / company obligation to maintain peace

Agreement between employer and works council

I. The works agreement
1. Form / subject matter / effect
2. Termination and subsequent effect
3. Collective bargaining reservation gern. § Section 77 (3) BetrVG

II. The regulatory agreement

III. The conciliation committee (competence, composition, costs, procedure)

Co-determination of the works council in social matters

I. Situations not subject to co-determination
1. In individual cases (demarcation from collective facts)
2. In emergencies (distinction from urgent cases)
3. No scope for regulation
4. Delimitation of the “whether” not subject to co-determination from the “how” subject to co-determination
5. Precedence of collective bargaining

II. The facts subject to co-determination
1. Operational organization
2. Working time regulations
3. Overtime and short-time work
4. Vacation regulations
5. Employee monitoring through technical equipment
6. Occupational health and safety7. Company wage structure / performance-related remuneration

Co-determination of the works council in personnel matters

I. Co-determination in hiring, transfers, classification and regrouping within the meaning of § 99 BetrVG
1 . Grounds for refusal of consent
2. Procedure in the event of refusal of consent by the works council
3. Provisional measure within the meaning of § 100 BetrVG

II. Works council consultation prior to dismissals
1 . Form / timing / deadlines
2. Statement of the works council – effects of an objection (entitlement to continued employment)
3. Content of the consultation
a) Personal details and social data
b) Type and date of dismissal
c) All significant reasons for termination

Co-determination in economic matters

I. Changes to operations within the meaning of § 111 BetrVG
1 . Information and consultation rights of the works council
2. Attempt at a reconciliation of interests
3. Social compensation plan

I. Factual
1. Definition of company and enterprise
2. Operating units (branches)
3. Joint operation
4. Micro-enterprises
5. Trend companies
6. Options for structuring through collective agreements and works agreements

II. Personal
1 . Employees / freelancers
2. Executive employees
3. Temporary workers (eligibility to vote / thresholds / differentiation from contract for work)

III. Spatial

I. What training is required?

II. time limit

III. What costs must the employer bear?

I. Right to inspect wage and salary lists

II. Duty of confidentiality

III. Prohibition of industrial action / company obligation to maintain peace

I. The works agreement
1. Form / subject matter / effect
2. Termination and subsequent effect
3. Collective bargaining reservation gern. § Section 77 (3) BetrVG

II. The regulatory agreement

III. The conciliation committee (competence, composition, costs, procedure)

I. Situations not subject to co-determination
1. In individual cases (demarcation from collective facts)
2. In emergencies (distinction from urgent cases)
3. No scope for regulation
4. Delimitation of the “whether” not subject to co-determination from the “how” subject to co-determination
5. Precedence of collective bargaining

II. The facts subject to co-determination
1. Operational organization
2. Working time regulations
3. Overtime and short-time work
4. Vacation regulations
5. Employee monitoring through technical equipment
6. Occupational health and safety7. Company wage structure / performance-related remuneration

I. Co-determination in hiring, transfers, classification and regrouping within the meaning of § 99 BetrVG
1 . Grounds for refusal of consent
2. Procedure in the event of refusal of consent by the works council
3. Provisional measure within the meaning of § 100 BetrVG

II. Works council consultation prior to dismissals
1 . Form / timing / deadlines
2. Statement of the works council – effects of an objection (entitlement to continued employment)
3. Content of the consultation
a) Personal details and social data
b) Type and date of dismissal
c) All significant reasons for termination

I. Changes to operations within the meaning of § 111 BetrVG
1 . Information and consultation rights of the works council
2. Attempt at a reconciliation of interests
3. Social compensation plan

„Tolle Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis“

Viele spannende Praxisbeispiele, kleiner Teilnehmerkreis (7 Teilnehmer), sehr eloquenter und erfahrener Referent. Ich empfehle das Seminar sehr gern weiter.

Teilnehmerin | 19.04.2024
Persönliche Expertise
Referenten des Seminars
Inhalte des Seminars

Das Seminar “Grenzen des Betriebsrats” – Durchgeführt in englischer Sprache / The seminar “Grenzen des Betriebsrats” – Conducted in English.


Limits of the Works Council: Strategies for Employers to strengthen their position

Target Audience: Executives, HR managers, and professionals who wish to work effectively with the works council.

In our seminar “Limits of the Works Council,” we provide you with practical insights and strategies to make collaboration with the works council advantageous for you. Discover how to recognize and utilize the boundaries of co-determination to effectively and legally implement your business decisions.

Overview of Seminar Content:

– Areas of Responsibility of the Works Council: Gain clarity on the factual, personal, and spatial limits of the works council’s activities. Understand where your freedoms to act lie and how you can use them in accordance with legal requirements.
– Exemptions and Training: Learn about the legal foundations for the exemption of works council members and the coverage of training costs. Discover strategies to effectively control and limit associated costs.
– Trustful Collaboration: Learn how to create a positive working environment through the mandate of trustful collaboration and adherence to confidentiality obligations, without losing sight of your business objectives.
– Co-determination in Social and Personnel Matters: Identify situations free from co-determination and understand the limits of co-determination in hiring, transfers, and company disciplinary measures. We will show you how to act in these areas without unnecessary restrictions from the works council.
– Economic Co-determination: Gain insights into co-determination rights during operational changes and learn how to efficiently design information and consultation processes to advance your economic decisions.

Your Benefits:

– Legal Certainty: Strengthen your position with a deeper understanding of the legal framework and the limits of co-determination.
– Strategic Options: Develop concrete strategies to pursue your business goals while maintaining constructive collaboration with the works council.
– Cost Control: Learn methods to effectively control and limit costs incurred by the works council.

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Bestehen finanzielle Fördermöglichkeiten?

Ja, es bestehen Fördermöglichkeiten basierend auf den Förderprogrammen der einzelnen Bundesländer. 

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Besteht die Möglichkeit von Rahmen- oder Großkunden­vereinbarungen?
Ja, sprechen Sie uns bitte persönlich unter an. Gerne stimmen wir mit Ihnen eine persönliche Vereinbarung ab.

Ja, in unseren Seminaren haben Sie die Möglichkeit individuelle Fragen zu stellen. 

Die Seminare finden mit einer begrenzten Anzahl an Teilnehmern statt und sind als interaktives Seminar geplant, nicht als reiner Vortrag. 

Individuelle Fragen sind daher erwünscht, jederzeit möglich und werden durch den Referenten beantwortet.

Ja, Seminare / WebSeminare können schriftlich bis 14 Tage vor dem Seminartermin kostenfrei storniert werden. 

Auch Umbuchungen auf einen anderen Termin oder einen anderen Teilnehmer sind bis zu 14 Tage vorher kostenfrei möglich.

Danach ist eine kostenfreie Stornierung nicht mehr möglich. 

Eine Umbuchung auf einen anderen Termin, ein anderes Seminar oder einen anderen Teilnehmer ist für eine Gebühr in Höhe von 10% des Seminarpreises auch noch nach der 14-Tage-Frist möglich. 

Bei Fragen sprechen Sie uns bitte einfach persönlich an und wir finden eine Lösung.

Die Präsenz-Seminare werden in Tagungshotels oder Co-Working-Spaces mit Tagungsmöglichkeiten durchgeführt. 

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Die Seminare umfassen eine umfangreiche Dokumentation.

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Bei WebSeminaren erhalten Sie die Dokumentation in elektronischer Form spätestens zwei Tage vor Seminarbeginn.

Sofern Sie im hoteleigenen Parkhaus parken, können Sie das Parkticket einfach beim Verlassen des Hotels an der Hotelrezeption abgeben. Das Ticket wird dann freigeschaltet und die Kosten direkt auf unsere Gesamtrechnung gebucht. Parken Sie in einem anderen Parkhaus, so können Sie uns den Originalbeleg einreichen und wir erstatten die Gebühr auf ein von Ihnen angegebenes Konto. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir zwingend den Originalbeleg dafür benötigen.

In Ihrer persönlichen Lernumgebung stehen Ihnen jederzeit online alle Informationen zu Ihren gebuchten Seminaren zur Verfügung. Dies beinhaltet auch die jeweiligen Seminarunterlagen in elektronischer Form.

Bei Präsenz-Seminaren erhalten Sie ein Teilnahme-Zertifikat in ausgedruckter Form. Bei WebSeminaren erhalten Sie das Teilnahme-Zertifikat als elektronisches Dokument.

Ja, es bestehen Fördermöglichkeiten basierend auf den Förderprogrammen der einzelnen Bundesländer. 

Sprechen Sie uns gerne bei Fragen dazu direkt an und wir helfen Ihnen weiter.

Ja, sprechen Sie uns bitte persönlich unter an. Gerne stimmen wir mit Ihnen eine persönliche Vereinbarung ab.
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